Sacred Awakenings​
Sacred Awakenings​
Seraphic Wisdom Classes
Seraphic Wisdom Classes
What is Seraphic Wisdom?
What is Seraphic Wisdom?

Seraphic Wisdom is a gift from the Seraphim Angels to all of humanity.
"It is the universal knowledge that transcends the day to day chatter that distracts us from our inherent understanding of a higher Source of guidance and wisdom. When received, this wisdom will feel familiar and will resonate with your higher self, what may be called intuition or innate knowing.
As spirits living in a human body, we feel joy when developing our expansion to reach a deeper level of guidance and connection to a higher Source of Love. This guidance can lead us down an enlightened path that gains access to a new way of being; a way to live in ease, rather than dis-ease. "
~ Cindy Smith, Seraphic Wisdom Teacher Mentor
To find out more about Seraphic Wisdom Energies and access our organization's community calendar, please visit www.seraphicspheres.com.
Below, you will find the Seraphic Wisdom classes taught by Candace Uvalle, A Teacher, Meditation Facilitator and Practitioner of Seraphic Wisdom.
If you are so guided, you may receive the energy of The Seraph ADALIAN, the Seraphim Guardian of North America, by meditating with his associated symbol of Rainbow Feathers above.

The Seraph's Love and Faith Class
The Seraph's Love and Faith Class
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Practitioner of Seraphic Wisdom. A very dear part of my awakening journey has been becoming attuned to the energies of the Seraphim Angels. Through these pure and powerfully loving energies, I have developed a deeper, more harmonious relationship with myself on a soul level, with Mother Earth and all living things.
In this class, you’ll receive 22 energetic attunements run by the Seraphim Angels that not only establish a direct channel to the Seraphim, but also attune you energetically to 6 Seraphic Waves including The Wave of Love and Healing and The Wave of Faith and Manifestation that allow you, as a new Practitioner of Seraphic Wisdom, to send to yourself, your family and friends, plants and pets, planetary spots and much more. These Seraphic energies also allow you as the practitioner to connect in more vibrantly and deeply with your innate spiritual gifts, while also being in loving service to humanity and the planet.
Class price is $225 00, which must be pre-paid before the class date.
I look forward to being in beautiful co-creation with you for the highest good of all!
Upcoming Classes :
Date: Saturday, January 20th, 2024
10:30 am. - 3:30 pm. MST
Location: Centennial, CO or Zoom
Click the Book Your Class Today Button, and you will find registration there.
Please see the class flyer.

The Birth Of The New Avalon;
Canada The Land Of Dreams Is Awakening
The Birth Of The New Avalon;
Canada The Land Of Dreams Is Awakening
The energies of the New Avalon are ready to come into the world. The first activation of the New Avalon energies was initiated in 2007 and now the time has come to support the expanding of these cosmic energies in humanity's physical bodies and the country.
The middle age Avalon was the kingdom of shamans and nature priestesses and so the New Avalon is the space for creating a new harmony between mankind and nature.
The crystalline structure of the New Avalon has been protected in other dimensional spaces, as it has been perfectly harmonized with both the earth and humanity'a upshifting consciousness, until humanity was ready to stand as New Guardians of Gaia ready to take personal responsibility in attuning to and supporting this magical place, the New Avalon. The time has come that all initiations of the New Avalon Energies are given to those who are ready in a space of love and in honor of these Guardians of Planet Earth.
Some of the abilities you will receive include:
~ Expanded Healing potential by connecting to your personal Animal Totem, Power Stone, Power Plant and Seraph ADALIAN's Earth healing attunement
~ Using Star healing to re-connect to your power place in the universe and opening your cosmic potential
~ Linking to the Crystalline Cities and your personal cosmic Crystal Skull
~ Connection to the consciousness of the whales and dolphins, keepers of the crystal sounds of the New Avalon
All of these empowerments will make it possible for you, as a New Earth Guardian, to awaken the Land of Dreams; Canada.
(Class description created by Cynthia Smith ~ Teacher Mentor of Seraphic Spheres.)
Thank you for choosing to be a New Earth Guardian!
I am so very excited to share these beautiful energies with you in loving co-creation for the highest good of all!

The Light Essence Of The Rocky Mountains
After a decade of Practitioners of Seraphic Wisdom laying the beautiful energetic foundations of Love and Faith that have been intricately woven into the classes and meditations offered to the public through the Seraphic Spheres organization, The Seraphim Angels have given us a new set of energetic attunements in our newest class offering, The Light Essence of the Rocky Mountains.
Through the several attunements being unveiled in this class, participants have the opportunity to directly connect with the quantum energies and "energetic treasures" that lie within the light sphere of the Rocky Mountains.
As each participant accesses greater potential through the elegant yet powerful expansive energies in this class, our human collective is also strengthened and activated as humanity gains deeper access to our true cosmic and Divine potential.
You'll notice the course logo as the banner picture for this class. I invite you to meditate with this course symbol to get a feel for the frequency and vibration of the energies contained in this class.
I am so very excited to share these beautiful energies with you in loving co-creation for the highest good of all!